Mariona Falcó
I am Marion.
I am a person passionate about cooking, a lover of natural foods, an expert in metabolism and a creator of recipes with real ingredients.
How did I go from cooking anything to get through the day to creating nutritious recipes that restore and nourish the body?
Some time ago, I often found myself with digestive problems: irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, intolerances, fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, menstrual cramps... and I also had to face difficulties related to fertility. All this marked a path full of doubts and trials, but through study and practice, I found a way to alleviate these symptoms and transformed my favorite recipes into healthy versions, full of nutrients and flavor, using only real ingredients.
One day I realized that I had to share all this knowledge with those who, like me, want to take better care of themselves without giving up the pleasure of eating. Because many of us seek to feel good while feeding our family, with tasty and nutritious dishes, without having to resort to extreme restrictions.
I wanted to cook simply, with natural, whole foods. I wanted to love home-cooked food without having to constantly eliminate foods due to indigestion or other physical difficulties. And I discovered that this also connected with many other people.
In this process, I tried different approaches: reducing carbohydrates, eliminating dairy, gluten, sugar, increasing vegetable consumption... I was convinced that if I eliminated everything that was causing me discomfort, I would improve. But that wasn't the case. The solution wasn't to eliminate food: the real problem was my metabolism .
Although eliminating foods provided temporary relief, it wasn't a sustainable solution. I was increasingly distancing myself from enjoying the foods I loved.
After consulting professionals from different disciplines—digestologists, acupuncturists, specialists in holistic therapies, among others—I decided to train and develop my own method , which I still follow to this day and which has transformed me.
My hands and feet stopped being cold, my digestion became regular, my energy increased, and, over time, I regained balance and health in such important aspects as fertility. The food freedom that this has brought me has been a gift: I can eat anything and feel good every day. The key was to incorporate foods that support the metabolic system and also take care of my lifestyle and exercise habits.
This transformation made me feel more energetic, calmer, more confident and with an inner peace that has made me enjoy my day to day even more.
That's why I want to help you avoid this long road full of trial and error. I don't want you to spend years trying to find the solution like I had to. Today I can happily say that I'm enjoying all the foods I like again, with a full and varied diet, without discomfort or restrictions.
Wherever you are on your journey, remember that food freedom and holistic well-being are possible. With small changes that support your metabolism, you too can reclaim the pleasure of eating well and feeling good.