Why is it important to start the day with a protein-rich breakfast?
I've been trying out several formulas for starting the day and after experience with my patients and my own, I can say with complete conviction that starting the day with a higher protein intake increases your energy throughout the day, you have a more stable mood and balanced hormones. Everyone is different, I know, guys, this works for me!
On the other hand, if you are trying to reach a daily protein %, if you skip breakfast it is harder to reach that goal with real, natural food and you will end up adding protein powder daily. So if you make sure your first meal has enough protein, this will make your goals easier to achieve.
Protein keeps you fuller for longer!
It helps prevent blood sugar levels from increasing... and therefore also the well-known drop that will make you tired, with hunger pangs and a bad mood.
Not sure how much protein you should be taking each day? Contact me and I can help you.
How to reheat and store these pancakes
Reheat in a toaster or oven. You can also reheat in a skillet on the stove or in the microwave. Store leftover pancakes in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2-3 days or freeze and enjoy up to 3 months later.
Warm up a little before serving.
Protein pancakes (without protein powder)
A recipe that you will surely repeat on a loop.
Preparation: 20min
Total: 20min.
12 units
Type of dish
snack, afternoon tea or breakfast.
- 150g of flour or oatmeal
- 225g of Greek yogurt or skyr
- 250g liquid egg whites (or 8 large eggs)
- 2 tablespoons honey, add 1-2 more if you want it sweeter (or without if you want it salty)
- 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
- 40g of defatted peanut powder
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- Water
- Fresh cheese
- Homemade jam
- Red fruits
- Diced banana
- Chocolate
Heat a frying pan over medium heat and grease with a little butter or ghee.
Use about 50g of batter for each pancake. Cook for 3-4 minutes until small bubbles start to form on the outside. On low heat, important!!! Turn and cook for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Repeat the operation with all 12 pancakes.
To make the peanut butter sauce add all the ingredients in a bowl and simply mix, adding water as needed until the sauce is thick. If it is too thick for your taste, add more water.
Decorate the pancakes with 1 tbsp. peanut sauce, sliced fruit, whipped cream or chocolate.